
"Security in Every Job" Since 1955

Choosing the Right Security Fence for Your Business

Choosing the Right Security Fence for Your Business hercules gsa

Picking a quality security fence for your business is more challenging than one might think.

Picking a quality security fence for your business is more challenging than one might think, as you need to consider factors beyond what the fence looks like in order to get the most out of it. Finding a security fence to meet your needs requires picking the right material, building at the right height, and including all of the safety features you need—all without going overboard and making your property feel unwelcoming. 

Concealing vs. Transparency

There’s a good argument to be made for a security fence that’s going to conceal your property. If no one knows what kind of valuables your business has, they will be less likely to try to break in. Additionally, preventing them from getting a good look at your property stops them from figuring out any weaknesses to exploit.

However, this is a bit of a balancing act. Keeping away people who might want to do you and your property harm also means you’re obstructing the views of potential customers or visitors. You don’t want to sacrifice too much of your curb appeal by creating your security fence, so follow the general metric that the more secure it is, the less inviting it will be. From there, you can find a balance that works for you and your business.

The Right Height for a Security Fence

This might come as no surprise, but a taller fence is almost always better for security. If you want something that’s going to get the job, you will be looking at fences that are at least 6 feet high. Just make sure you’re following any local ordinances about fence height and that you’re not upsetting any neighbors by installing your fancy new security fence.

Your Security Fence Must be Difficult to Climb

No matter what height you go with, you also want to make it difficult for anyone to climb. Keep everything vertically oriented if you can—or in other words, prevent horizontal bars, rails, or anything else someone could use as a foothold to climb up over. If you do have any of these elements, try to keep the space between them small enough that a hand or foot couldn’t slip in there. 

A chain link fence might be good as well, but you want to make sure the holes aren’t too big. Remember that additional features like spikes, points, or barbed wire could also be used to prevent anyone from climbing over your fence.

Sturdy Enough

None of this matters if your security fence is easy to get through in other ways. Anyone who is determined is going to be looking for a gap or weak spot. Make sure you fortify any weak areas, for example, if the fence isn’t flush with the ground at any point. Check your fence often and make any necessary repairs to ensure that it stays in quality condition.

Hercules Fence GSA Can Help You Find the Perfect Privacy Fences for Your Needs

Whether you need a pool or residential fence, Hercules Fence GSA can do the job for you. We have been providing professional, quality service since 1955 and work to uphold our reputation every day. We have locations across the Maryland and Washington Metropolitan areas and are ready to cater to your fencing needs. Give us a call at (410)-799-1555 or contact us online. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest for more updates.

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