Chain link is the most popular material for security fences. It can be highly effective as a security fencing material, especially when used in conjunction with barbed or razor wire. But one drawback is aesthetics. Few find chain link to be an especially attractive material. The good news is that you don’t have to sacrifice aesthetics for the sake of security. Today, we’ll tell you all about the most ornamental security fence material: wrought iron.

You don’t have to sacrifice aesthetics for the sake of security. Decorative wrought iron is an outstanding security fence material!
Tough to Climb
One of the shortcomings of chain link as a security fence material is that it can be quite easy for intruders to climb. Each little gap in the chain link is a potential hand or foothold. A wrought iron security fence remedies this problem. It is composed of vertical bars, without a horizontal mid-rail for burglars to get a hold of. If you add anti-climb paint, it becomes virtually impossible to scale an ornamental security fence made of wrought iron.
Yet another shortcoming of chain link is its strength. One can quite easily cut it with a pair of bolt cutters. This shouldn’t be such an issue with a sufficiently developed commercial security system, but it can happen. Not so with wrought iron. A burglar would need some seriously heavy-duty equipment to have a chance at tearing such a fence apart.
One of the most hotly debated topics regarding security fences is whether visibility boosts security or harms it. There is certainly something to be said for blocking valuable equipment from the view of passers-by. But in this day and age, that can be easily overcome with something so simple as a cheap drone.
But there is a growing consensus that visibility is actually a boon to commercial security. If someone does somehow manage to scale your ornamental security fence, they will be out in the open and unable to hide even from people passing by on the street. If a pedestrian sees something suspicious, they might even alert the authorities for you.
We’ll end on a note that we already addressed, but want to emphasize one more time. Wrought iron security fences look good. They have the perfect combination of form and function. You’ll love to look at your wrought iron fence, knowing that it’s doing its part to keep your business free of intruders.
Contact Hercules GSA Today!
Whether you need a commercial or a high-security fence, Hercules Fence GSA can do the job for you. We have been providing professional, quality service since 1955 and work to uphold our reputation every day. We have locations across the Maryland and Washington Metropolitan area and are ready to cater to your fencing needs. Give us a call at (410)-799-1555 or contact us online. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest for more updates.